Simparica for Dogs Cost, Side effects, Reviews, Safety

| November 28, 2017

Learn all about Simparica for dogs cost, side effects, reviews and safety. Simparica (sarolaner) was just introduced in March 2016.

It is indicated for the treatment and prevention of flea infestations (Ctenocephalides felis), and the treatment and control of tick infestations [Amblyomma Americanism (Lone Star tick), Amblyomma maculatum (Gulf Coast tick), Dermacentor variabilis (American dog tick), and Rhipicephalus sanguineus (brown dog tick)]. Simparica begins to kill adult fleas within 3 hours and ticks within 8 hours of administration. Treatment with Simparica may begin at any time of the year and is safe to use year-round without interruption. Simparica is given monthly and requires a prescription from your veterinarian.

Simparica orally administered flea and tick treatment for dog is a monthly treatment that can be given with or without the food. One chewable tablet per month is enough to treat and protect your dog against flea infestation and to control the tick infestation. Simparica contains the active ingredient Sarolaner, which inhibits the function of the neurotransmitter gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) receptor and glutamate receptor, and works at the neuromuscular spot in insects. This results in uncontrolled neuromuscular activity leading to death in insects or acarines. It is easy and safe to administer, by directly giving it into the dog’s mouth or mixing it with food for rapidly killing the fleas and ticks.

The most frequently reported adverse reactions were vomiting and diarrhea. Simparica may cause abnormal neurologic signs such as tremors, decreased conscious proprioception (awareness of body position and movement), ataxia (loss of full control of bodily movements), decreased or absent menace blinking reflex or seizures.

Sarolaner was safe, achieved 100% reduction in the numbers of S. scabiei detected and resulted in marked improvement of the clinical signs of sarcoptic mange in dogs following two monthly oral administrations.

 Simparica for Dogs Cost, Side effects, Reviews, Safety

Simparica for Dogs

Simparica is a fast-acting oral flea and tick preventative that begins killing fleas and ticks within hours of administration and remains effective for one month to prevent re-infestations. Simparica (sarolaner) Chewables are safe, monthly flea and tick protection for dogs that start working fast and remain effective all month long. Simparica starts killing fleas within 3 hours and ticks within 8 hours, and it keeps going strong for 35 days without losing effectiveness at the end of the month.

Simparica Cost

Simparica is orally administered to dog that are 6 months of age or older and weighing more than 2.8lbs. Available in six different packs categorized as per the dog’s body weight, the chewable are suitable for all breeds and sizes of dogs. Simparica costs are according to weight and the pack size. The prices are listed below;

Simparica Chewables for Dogs 11.1-22 lbs (Brown)
3 Pack is of $34.13
6 Pack is of $58.93

Simparica Chewables for Dogs 2.8-5.5 lbs (Yellow)
3 Pack is of $31.14
6 Pack is of $52.34

Simparica Chewables for Dogs 5.6-11 lbs (Purple)
3 Pack is of $33.15
6 Pack is of $55.36

Simparica Chewables for Dogs 22.1-44 lbs (Blue)
3 Pack is of $36.13
6 Pack is of $60.38

Simparica Chewables for Dogs 44.1-88 lbs (Green)
3 Pack is of $38.07
6 Pack is of $62.36

Simparica Chewables for Dogs above 88 lbs (Red)
3 Pack is of $39.79
6 Pack is of $68.42

Simparica Side effects

Every drug has side effects. Simparica is for use only in dogs, 6 months of age and older. Simparica may cause abnormal neurologic signs such as tremors, unsteadiness, and seizures. Simparica has not been evaluated in dogs that are pregnant, breeding or lactating. Simparica has been safely used in dogs treated with commonly prescribed vaccines, parasiticides and other medications. The most frequently reported adverse reactions were vomiting and diarrhea.

Simparica Reviews

Simparica is effective against fleas and ticks, even on day. You can count on Simparica to do the following:

  • Provide rapid relief for pets with existing flea infestations, even dogs with flea allergies
  • Improve clinical signs of flea allergies in dogs by eliminating fleas
  • Prevent and control home flea infestations, killing fleas before they can lay eggs
    Some reviews are listed below;
  • Quickly kill ticks, which may help reduce the risk of potentially life-threatening flea- and tick-borne diseases. One says, “It is a great product. I love how easy it is to give and that it covers my dog for fleas, ticks, mange and mites. My dog loved the tablet and thought she was getting a treat which is fantastic. This will be a regular purchase for our girl’’.
  • One other review, “Usually I have to cover tablets with something tasty. Or crush them up and add them to his feed, but with the simparica chews it swallowed them straight away. I found them very effective, and the pooches had no nasty reactions to the chew which was a big sigh of relief’’.

Simparica Safety

Simparica efficacy and safety of a novel isoxazoline compound, sarolaner and spinosad as a positive control were evaluated for the treatment and control of natural flea infestations on dogs in two randomised, blinded, multi-centric clinical trials conducted in 11 veterinary clinics in northeastern and southeastern states of Australia. Sarolaner administered orally to provide a minimum dosage of 2.0 mg/kg (range 2–4 mg/kg) once monthly for three consecutive treatments was safe and effective in the treatment and prevention of natural infestations of fleas and resulted in a substantial improvement of clinical signs associated with FAD.

16 thoughts on “Simparica for Dogs Cost, Side effects, Reviews, Safety

  1. Alyce Doss

    We gave our Austrailian Cattle Dog 1 dose of Simparica. We noticed he was seeing well the next day and within 24 hours he was blind.

      1. Michael Plinski

        I too have suspicion on the blindness issue of this drug. I have read side effect… with no mention that blindness could be a considered factor. I have read some of the issues others have had with their pets and a couple that I see fitting as in my case are :
        1) Slight blindness
        2) loss of muscle/body coordination

      2. Michael Plinski

        I too have suspicion on the blindness issue of this drug. I have read side effect… with no mention that blindness could be a considered factor. I have read some of the issues others have had with their pets and a couple that I see fitting as in my case are :
        1) Slight blindness
        2) loss of muscle/body coordination

        I am curious to know if Alyce ever actually know why their Austrailian Cattle dog went blind, or if it ever regained its sight

    1. Darrell d King

      are you certain it was the Simpatico?? Could it have been something else?? Also what made you determine it was the flea medication?

    2. Mike gallagher

      Status of your dog after @1 year?
      Was blindness temporary?

  2. Pat Ryley

    I gave my 7 month old BRT Simparica 1st treatment on July 1st. On July 2nd she had diarrhea, she’s a puppy, I figured she ate something the way Puppies can and with brief fast, chicken and rice etc the loose stools cleared up within a week.
    I mentioned it to my Vet, he said bland diet let me know how she goes. (I did mention the timing questioning the Simparica).
    Aug 1st 2nd simparaca dose. That night woke me up with diarrhea. Thru the night thru the day. I called my Vet again he suggested fast bland diet let’s see.
    4 days no improvement, he said she probably got into something at the dog show and prescribed metronidazole. Disregard cleared up in three days, I finished the 7 day prescription. Vet expressed no concerns re Simparica.
    Against my better judgement, 9/1 3rd dose of Simparica – that next morning 5am pup had raging liquid diarrhea. I called Vet and brought in stool sample per his request, still no response to the “coincidence” of 3 months in a row of having bad diarrhea within 24 hours of Simparica.
    Her fecal Test shows exposure to giardia but not active. He prescribed 7 day dose of Panacur.
    9/13, still on rice and boiled chicken, still waiting for normal bowel movements to start switching her diet. She starts to firm up then breaks w diarrhea. On 9/10 overnight and thru 9/11 she had the WORST diarrhea I’ve ever seen from a dog. Still Vet said get her thru the Panacur then let’s see how she’s doing.
    9/12 1:30 was last bout of liquid stools. All thru this her attitude has been normal happy puppy. She’s drinking water, not as much as her normal and I give her 25mls by mouth thru the day she also will drink from a water bottle so I feel comfortable about her water intake. 9/15, we skipped the dog show this weekend. I don’t want to add ANY stress to her system as she SEEMS to be on the road to recovery despite only 2 bm yesterday, at noon – normal. At 5 – ploppy.
    Since then nothing. She is 9 months old, a giant breed puppy who now weighs 61.9 pounds. She should be 80 and she is malnourished at this point. As she improves her compromised development will need to be addressed. I believe in slow growth but am panicked now that she hasn’t been able to absorb the nutrients she needs for healthy bone developemnet.
    Talk me down people!! I love my dog, she is SO SO SWEET!!!
    I LOVE my Vet, and trust him. But now I’ve checked on simpiraca and feel absolutely STUPID for not checking WHEN IT WAS PRESCRIBED!!! And shocked that my Vet has glossed over even the remotest possibility that this particular puppy just might not be able to tolerate this DRUG!!! (I DOUBT strongly that this puppy needed the Panacur). I’ve never used an ingestable flea POISON before and I NEVER will again.
    Why are vets willing to prescribe it?

  3. Mellinda Beckhouse

    We gave our toy poodle puppy and toy poodle girl
    Simparica they have been off their food since.
    Today is day five. They are doing mucus runny poos and my adult poodle now has blood in her poo

  4. Gail Smith

    Gave my rescue girl this last week. Now instead of solid stools they are watery.

  5. Karen Proctor

    There is a video on Facebook everyone who is thinking of using Simparica should see. Uncontrollable seizures in a dog….just horrific to see this dog and what he is going through while his owner is trying to comfort him. He will now have this side effect for the rest of his life. Think long and hard before using this.

  6. Linda

    Simparica is known to cause seizures and other neurological problems which may be permanent. This product should be off the market. DO NOT USE SIMPARICA on any animal.

  7. Dr. Richard S. Kunze

    My 7 month old male Goldendoodle developed vomiting of digested blood 4 days after Simparica and the following day developed black tar like stools of digested blood. He has had a barium series that showed no foreign bodies and endoscopy which showed hemorrhages in the stomach and upper bowel. The biopsy report is pending. He has been on metronidazole and then tylan powder along with peptobismol and omeprazole and a bland diet which he hates. It is now day 18 since his last dose of Simparica and he looks good on the outside but has a very selective appetite and has dark black watery diarrhea still but now with some red blood in the stool. His intestines are still bleeding and he is not responding to therapy that should have resolved the diarrhea by now. I am a Veterinarian and have not seen this in over 45 years of practice. I have consulted with Veterinarian gastroenterologist and MD gastroenterologist and they have no answers. The big question is. How long does Simparica stay in the dogs system at a toxic blood level if they are sensitive to the drug?

  8. Robyn

    I am very distressed now. I gave my dog a single dose of Simparica today. He was with other dogs on the weekend and I found a flea on him yesterday (Monday). I asked the vet what they recommended. I stressed that I dislike putting toxins in my dogs body. They recommended Simparica, I asked if they had experienced any negative side effects. I was told that this product is perfectly safe. I won’t be able to sleep tonight after what I have just read.

  9. Sally Breck

    I gave my 50 lb Springer Spaniel a half dose of Simparica (40 mg) last month.
    It has horrible side effects. He has neurological issues from using it, just one time.
    Symptoms have increased over the last few weeks, including loss of muscle/body coordination, especially in the morning.
    This is referred to as conscious proprioception, awareness of body position & movement and ataxia, loss of body movements.
    He also,
    stares off into space with reduced blinking.

    I will NEVER give this to him again and hope side effects are temporary.
    I can’t imagine how horrible a whole dose would have been.
    Our vet charged 25.00 for one month pull.


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